GraphicsFlow Tips, Product Updates 14 August, 2024

GraphicsFlow Product Update: Art Approval Notifications & Timeline Event Tracking

14 August, 2024
Published by Mike Clark
GraphicsFlow Product Update: Art Approval Notifications & Timeline Event Tracking

We’re thrilled to announce two feature updates designed to improve your efficiency with the art approval process: Art Approval Notifications and Timeline Event Tracking. These updates address two critical challenges shops face: lack of visibility into customer interactions and the need for detailed tracking of approval events.

With these latest updates, you’ll streamline your workflow, improve transparency, and enhance collaboration across your projects.

Check out this video for a closer look at how these new features work:

Art Approval Notifications: Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

One of the biggest time-consuming factors in the art approval process is waiting for your customer to review the artwork you’ve sent them for sign-off. This waiting game and uncertainty often lead to unnecessary follow-ups, delays, and friction between the customer and shop owner.

To solve this problem, we’ve introduced Art Approval Notifications, a real-time alert system that notifies you the moment your customer reviews the approval.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Transparency: Instant notifications that your customer has reviewed the approval removes guesswork and unnecessary follow-ups.
  • Streamlined Communication: This time-saving feature lets you and your team focus on more pressing tasks instead of manually checking in with clients.
  • Proactive Workflow Management: Real-time insights make it easier for you and your team to anticipate feedback better and make any requested changes to the approval faster. 
  • Efficient Multi-Project Management: Approval notifications make it more feasible to prioritize tasks and handle multiple projects without falling behind or missing a customer message.
  • Verification Tool: This updated feature reduces miscommunication with customers since you’ll have a log of when they reviewed the artwork, providing a clear record of engagement.

These benefits help you focus on delivering high-quality work and growing your customer base.

art approval

Event Tracking: Complete Transparency at Your Fingertips

Tracking every action taken on an art approval is crucial in collaborative projects. Misprints, delays, or customer disputes can arise when there’s a lack of clarity about who approved, rejected, or commented on a design.

Our new Art Approval Line Item Event Tracking provides a real-time timeline of all actions taken during the approval process.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Accountability: Keep track of every decision, approval, and comment, ensuring clear accountability among collaborators.
  • Improved Transparency: All parties can access a complete historical record of interactions, fostering better communication with your customers, trust, and clarity.
  • Streamlined Communication: Besides nurturing your customer relationships, better event tracking saves time and improves your workflow. 
  • Dispute Resolution: In case of disagreements, the timeline offers a reliable audit trail, simplifying a solution so you can still provide quality customer service.

This feature is ideal for shops managing multiple projects or those involving several stakeholders since it provides a clear, organized view of all actions taken, reduces confusion, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Who Will Benefit?

These updates benefit anyone who uses GraphicsFlow Art Approvals. If you’ve ever struggled with tracking customer communication and interactions, these features will improve your workflow, giving you more control and clarity over the approval process.

Not a GraphicsFlow customer yet? Book a demo here today and learn how powerful features like these can help you simplify and modernize your art approval process.